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Mooring Regulations

The Harbor Attendants operate and maintain the ten mooring fields in the inner and outer Harbor consisting of a total of 496 moorings as well as two dinghy docks (Pope’s Island Marina and Gifford Street). The chart below lists the mooring fields and number of moorings per field.

Harbor Attendants are responsible for assigning moorings and keeping track of user applications submitted annually. The Harbor Attendants also manage the annual billing and disseminate copies of the current Mooring and Anchoring Regulations. As required by Massachusetts General Law, waiting lists are maintained for mooring assignments.

View the Inner Harbor map and the general location of the Pope’s Island and Gifford Street mooring fields, boat ramps, and dinghy docks.

65NBPA mooring categories

The NBPA offers three categories of moorings to harbor customers:


Private/Recreational Moorings
For recreational boaters who want either seasonal or transient moorings

-$180 annual fee (if you install your own mooring)


Boats ≤ than 44’ LOA  – $45.00 per night

Boats ≥ than 44’ LOA  – $45.00 per night

Commercial Moorings
For New Bedford marine businesses who rent moorings as part of their business operation
$180 annually for each mooring
Marine Industrial Moorings
For New Bedford commercial marine industrial use
$180 annually for each mooring

How to Apply for a Mooring with the NBPA

  • The NBPA utilizes an online boat management system known as
  • For inquiries about mooring permits you can call Pope’s Island Marina Management at 508-979-1456 or submit an inquiry on Dockwa.

Rules and Regulations:

  • Any person or business who desires an annual permit for the placement on a temporary basis of a recreational or commercial mooring to secure a vessel, float, raft, or related structure held by a permanent bottom-anchored mooring system must submit a written Mooring Application to the NBPA, together with a one-time, non-refundable application fee.
  • The application fee is for the processing of the application and is separate from any mooring permit fee required herein.
  • No part of a mooring system, including anchor or ground tackle, may be set prior to the issuance of a permit by the NBPA for the placement or maintenance of said mooring at a location established and approved by the NBPA.
  • Any mooring system set without authorization of the NBPA may be removed immediately by the NBPA and the expense associated therewith will be the responsibility of the applicant/owner and the permit application shall be forfeited.
  • All ground tackle and other appurtenances shall be deemed abandoned and disposed of by the New Bedford Port Authority at the owner’s expense.

Dinghy Docks, Racks and Ramps

Convenient Locations and Affordable Rates

The NBPA oversees the dinghy docks, ramps and racks for residential, commercial, marine industrial, and transient use.

Recreational Rental Fees
Commercial Rental Fees
Dinghy Docks
Seasonal Dinghy Permit $155


Pope’s Island Marina Dinghy Dock
East side of Pope’s Island off Route 6 parking lot

Free (transient only)

$495 seasonal pass

Gifford Street
Follow channel west of Palmer Island to Gifford St. Boat ramp

Free (transient only)

$155 Dinghy permit

US Coast Guard Park
South of State Pier
Free (transient only)
Tonneson Park
South of Wharfinger Building
Free (transient only)
Popes Island Dock
East side of island
$155 Dinghy permit
Public Boat Ramps
Gifford Street
Western end of Hurricane Barrier

$7 Daily parking pass

$55 Seasonal parking pass

$7 Daily parking pass

$25 seasonal  parking pass with proof of commercial fishing license


$20 daily ramp fee

$150 seasonal pass


$300 First vehicle seasonally; $75 for each additional

West Rodney French Blvd.
South of Hurricane Barrier

$7 Daily parking pass

$55 Seasonal parking pass

$7 Daily use

$25 seasonal  parking pass with proof of commercial fishing license


$20 daily ramp fee

$150 seasonal pass


$300 First vehicle seasonally; $75 for each additional

East Rodney French Blvd.
Clark’s Cove south of Hurricane Barrier

$7 Daily parking pass

$55 Seasonal parking pass

$7 Daily use

$25 seasonal  parking pass with proof of commercial fishing license


$20 daily ramp fee

$150 seasonal pass


$300 First vehicle seasonally; $75 for each additional

Commercial Beach-Related Rates

2021: $500/year
2022: $600/year
2023: $700/year
2024: $800/year
2025: $900/year

Supporting Recreational Boaters




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