Grant Administrator Under the direction of the Executive Director of the New Bedford Port Authority (NBPA), the Grant Administrator will manage the daily administration, communication, research, reporting and writing of all current and future NBPA grants and grant...
Cashman Dredging began constructing the top of the CAD cell on May 5, 2020. As of May 18, they have dredged 27,650 cubic yards of top of CAD material utilizing two dredges, the Wood 1 and the Triton. Top of CAD material is disposed of in the existing CAD cells. When...
This Open Meeting of the New Bedford Port Authority is being conducted remotely consistent with Governor Baker’s Executive Order of March 12, 2020, due to the current State of Emergency in the Commonwealth due to the outbreak of the “COVID-19 Virus.” Join Zoom Meeting...
In accordance with applicable regulations at 301 CMR 23.00, public notice is hereby given of the submission of the New Bedford Port Authority’s and Town of Fairhaven’s request for clarification on the Waterfront Development Shoreline Facilities and Potential...
The NBPA is seeking an offshore renewables Supply Chain consultant to further the work and goals of the NBOC, making the Port of New Bedford the first port of call for the offshore renewables industry and the model for local supply chain integration. View RFP...